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Accessibility Plan
China Eastern

Accessibility Plan

 Canada Accessible Transportation Planning and Reporting Regulations

I. General

(i) General Commitments

China Eastern Airlines (hereinafter referred to as China Eastern) is committed to removing barriers faced by persons with disabilities. China Eastern will make every effort to accommodate persons with disabilities and will not deny transportation to a person based solely on their disability, except as required by law or for safety. China Eastern will comply with all relevant regulations regarding the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, regardless of whether these regulations are explicitly stated in this plan. China Eastern reserves the right to establish higher standards for protecting persons with disabilities beyond those required by law.  Where company policy surpasses the prescribed regulations, China Eastern shall act in accordance with the higher standards. Safety remains our utmost priority, and China Eastern will only impose restrictions on passengers with disabilities necessary to ensure the safe transport of all passengers.

(ii) Accessibility Commitments

In 2014, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) issued Measures for the Administration of Air Transport for the Disabled in protection of the legitimate rights and interests of persons with disabilities during air transportation. These measures regulate the management of air transportation and accompanying services provided to persons with disabilities, ensuring that equal opportunity for air travel is available to all on the principles of protecting safety and respecting privacy and personality. China Eastern’s own Regulations on the Transport of Passengers with Disabilities comply with CAAC requirements. China Eastern is dedicated to making air transportation more accessible and is continually improving its services and efforts in this area. Our commitment to removing barriers for passengers with disabilities includes:

1. Lifts for persons with disabilities

2. Cabins equipped with wheelchairs

3. Mobility aids for passengers with disabilities

4. Continuous research and development of safe and feasible aircraft accessibility features to strive to provide passengers with disabilities equal opportunity to travel by air

(iii) Improvements to Barrier-Free Service

China Eastern works with airport terminals annually to evaluate the accessibility of air transport services to persons with disabilities. Evaluations must include data on air transport support for persons with disabilities, relevant safeguard measures adopted, service resource support, personnel training, and qualification maintenance as well as identifying problem areas, proposing measures for improvement, and providing recommendations. China Eastern evaluates improvements based on the company's actual operating conditions and feedback from the company's employees and passengers to continuously optimize the service process.

China Eastern takes the complaints of passengers with disabilities seriously. They are marked as especially important and receive priority investigation and response in accordance with relevant CAAC regulations. We provide feedback on the results of the investigation and our plans to respond within the prescribed time limits. China Eastern carefully evaluates suggestions received from passengers with disabilities, striving to rectify any related service problems and continuously optimize services accordingly.

(iv) Passenger Surveys and Feedback

China Eastern welcomes and values the opinions of all passengers. Passengers and members of the public may provide feedback on China Eastern’s accessibility services and any issues they experience. China Eastern accepts all feedback and acknowledges it, including feedback that is provided anonymously. For non-anonymous feedback, we will acknowledge receipt of the feedback in the same manner it is received. Passengers may provide feedback to China Eastern in the following ways: 

1. Website: Passengers may fill out a feedback form on China Eastern’s official website:

2. Telephone: Passengers may call our customer service hotlines:

(1) Global service hotline: +86 21 206 95530 (24*7)

(2) North American Marketing Center: +1 626-583-1500 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Pacific Time, USA)

3. Mail: Passengers may send written feedback to our Customer Service Manager at the following addresses

1 Vancouver Office: 1307-1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2Y3, Canada

2Toronto Office: 420-121 Bloor Street East, Toronto, ON, M4W 3M5, Canada

4. E-mail: Passengers may write by e-mail to China  Eastern  at

(v) Alternate Format

Passengers and members of the public may request a copy of China Eastern's Barrier-Free Plan or Feedback Plan in alternative formats. This request can be done through our website, or by telephone, mail, or e-mail through the contact information provided above for each communication method.

II. Information and communication technologies (ICT)

(i) Website Accessibility
China Eastern’s website is partially compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 at Level AA Standards, such as providing the option to adjust the size of the text shown on the page or listening to voice broadcasts. China Eastern will take active steps to improve our website and meet the requirements of WCAG 2.0.

(ii) China Eastern App

Passengers may use the China Eastern app to access detailed flight information including boarding times, gate information, and flight delays.

(iii) Identifying Barriers and Initiatives

China Eastern will review passenger feedback to identify barriers and make improvements to existing ICT. We are also actively reviewing our website, mobile application, and telecommunication and computer systems to ensure our services are accessible to all persons including those using adaptive technology.

III. Communication, other than ICT

(i) Listening to Passenger Needs

Civil aviation is a service industry. China Eastern recognizes that trends are constantly evolving in the service industry. Our goal is to meet increasing demands to provide people with a better aviation experience. To achieve this, we have focused on optimizing our service processes, refining interactions, enhancing service touchpoints, and always providing passengers with service that is sincere and warm. These initiatives apply and are available to all passengers, regardless of their abilities.

China Eastern provides training for personnel involved in customer service, ground services, and cabin services to enable them to better serve all of our passengers. Our personnel are trained to recognize and respond appropriately to requests for communication assistance. China Eastern staff are capable and trained to use the most common methods for communicating with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing such as writing notes. We also train our staff on accommodating service dogs, the use and operation of barrier-free facilities and equipment, and how to respectfully assist and work with passengers with disabilities who require additional assistance. Passengers in need of visual or audio assistance enjoy the same access to travel information as other passengers, whether at the ticket office, boarding gate, information desk or on the aircraft (as long as critical security tasks are not disrupted).

(ii) Cabin Services

Before takeoff, China Eastern cabin crew are informed in advance of passengers with disabilities and communicate this information to ground service personnel along with details about baggage, accompanying personnel, contact information for the pick-up person at the destination, and any specific service requirements. 

After boarding, cabin crew will introduce passengers to the proper usage of seat belts, calling bells, reading lights, and other services as well as the location of nearby washrooms and remain attentive to the needs of passengers with disabilities to provide assistance as needed. When needed, assistance is available for storing and retrieving carry-on luggage.

Should a passenger with a disability request assistance with washroom facilities during the flight, cabin crew can provide support moving to and from the washroom.
All flight safety videos and safety precautions shown by China Eastern are accompanied by Chinese and English subtitles. Safety Instructions are also provided in each passenger seat, showing aircraft safety information in images and text in both Chinese and English.

(iii) Ground Services

China Eastern displays flight information on monitors at the boarding gate and check-in areas. Boarding gate staff also verbally announce flight information, including boarding notices. China Eastern ground staff can also provide notices in text or written form upon request.

(iv) Customer Service Center

China Eastern’s customer service staff are trained to assist and communicate in an informed, respectful, and accessible manner with persons with disabilities. Passengers who require assistance due to their disability are encouraged to contact our staff to receive assistance with ticketing.

Passengers who require wheelchair services or other assistance as a result of their disability are welcome to contact our customer service staff in the manner accessible to them. If a passenger identifies the nature of their disability when making a reservation, our customer service staff members will engage in a dialogue to identify their needs and how China Eastern can provide accessibility services to meet those needs. China Eastern registers passenger information and service details into the system to be applied to their reservation. This informs China Eastern personnel of the needs of the passenger. At this time, China Eastern also confirms in advance the availability of security-related equipment at the airport or on the plane, such as onboard oxygen, wheelchairs, and stretchers.

The customer service center can also provide assistance to passengers applying for service dogs with capable customer service representatives processing the request on their behalf. Passengers have the option to upload a complete  electronic version of application form through mail, e-mail, or on our website.

For hearing and speech-impaired passengers unable to communicate by phone, China Eastern offers assistance with a text message link guiding the passenger to the online customer service center where they can receive information about service content and assistance in filling out any necessary forms.

IV. Procurement of goods, services and facilities
When purchasing aircraft, China Eastern considers the requirements for cabin wheelchairs and washrooms for persons with disabilities. China Eastern has established a wide-body aircraft introduction plan which places the inclusion of washrooms for persons with disability as a priority objective.

China Eastern’s ground service department also prioritizes the convenience of all passengers, including passengers with disabilities, when procuring ground service facilities..

China Eastern is actively reviewing its procurement practices to identify any existing barriers that prevent all passengers from equally accessing and using its services. As a part of this review, we will consult with passengers and personnel with disabilities to determine how we can best move forward. We will work to address these barriers through our procurement practices by using vendors and suppliers who can help China Eastern identify, remove, and prevent such barriers.

V. Design and delivery of programs and services

(i) Airport Construction

China Eastern has established working relationships with airports at key hubs to enhance lobby navigation services. We collaborate with local airports and offer recommendations to enhance the passenger experience in this aspect.

(ii) Seat Design
Aircraft seats are designed to be safe, visually appealing, and highly functional. When selecting and designing aircraft seats, China Eastern is mindful of the installation of movable aisle armrests on aisle seats to facilitate access for passengers with mobility challenges.

(iii) Wheelchairs Onboard

All of China Eastern's wide-body aircraft are equipped with onboard cabin wheelchairs. Due to limitations of cabin storage space, narrow-body aircraft employ a temporary allocation mechanism. China Eastern strives to provide onboard cabin wheelchair services according to passenger needs and will actively work to improve accessibility on all of our aircrafts.

(iv) Accessible Washrooms for Persons with Disabilities

Most of China Eastern's existing wide-body aircraft have been equipped with accessible washrooms for persons with disabilities. We also have a wide-body aircraft introduction plan which prioritizes the inclusion of washrooms suitable for persons with disabilities in all of our new wide-body aircrafts.

(v) Ground Guidance/Assistance Services

China Eastern deploys specially trained ground service personnel to provide the following assistance to passengers with disabilities when boarding:

1. We offer complimentary mobility aids to passengers with disabilities when boarding and disembarking. These aids include barrier-free electric vehicles, shuttle buses, and lifts for passengers with disabilities within the terminal building, as well as from the boarding gate to the aircraft. We also provide wheelchairs at the airport and during the boarding process, along with specialized narrow wheelchairs on-board the aircraft.

2. We help passengers with disabilities in completing joint inspection procedures during security screening.

3. We assist passengers with disabilities who use their own wheelchairs in handing over their assistive devices or wheelchairs at the cabin door or alongside the aircraft.

To receive this assistance, passengers must inform China Eastern staff about their service requirements upon arrival at the airport. We do our utmost to provide the necessary assistance. In addition, we ensure that passengers using wheelchairs or other assistive devices are not left unattended for more than 30 minutes and will periodically inquire about the passenger’s needs.

Some passengers, including the young and elderly, may have to travel alone. To ensure the safety of passengers, we recommend calling our customer service hotline or contacting us in the method accessible to you in advance or visiting the local direct sales office to apply for the necessary services.

(vi) Traveling with Assistive Devices

China Eastern allows passengers to bring assistive devices onboard at no additional cost. This includes folding wheelchairs (no larger than 33 × 91 × 106 cm/13 × 36 × 42 inches), prosthetics, cochlear implants, hearing aids, blind canes, vision aids, and glasses for the visually impaired. These assistive devices will not count against the passenger’s permitted carry on allowance.

The storage of assistive devices must comply with the applicable CAAC regulations concerning the security and transportation of dangerous goods. Passengers are accommodated on a first-come-first-served basis in accordance with limited cabin storage capacity. In the event the cabin lacks sufficient storage room, China Eastern assists passengers in checking in their assistive devices without any additional charge. The transportation of these devices is prioritized over other cargo and luggage, and we ensure that assistive devices arrive on the same plane as passengers with disabilities.

Passengers checking in electric wheelchairs must inform China Eastern in advance and ensure that their equipment complies with the relevant CAAC regulations regarding the transportation of dangerous goods by air. Passengers can log on to the official website of China Eastern to check the regulations regarding the safe transportation of lithium batteries. Our customer service staff will also be glad to help any passenger and can be contacted by the communication method most convenient for the passenger.

China Eastern asks passengers to inform China Eastern in advance if they will be traveling with additional assistance devices and mobility aids. This allows China Eastern staff to handle assistive devices for passengers more safely.

Passengers can apply for the above-mentioned service by calling China Eastern's customer service hotline, visiting a local direct sales office, or submitting a service application on the official China Eastern website.

(vii) Traveling with a Service Dog

China Eastern allows passengers with visual or hearing impairment to bring qualified service dogs onboard. Passengers can access instructions for the service dog transport service by visiting China Eastern's official website, going to the local direct sales office, or contacting the customer service hotline. The information provided encompasses applicable routes, acceptance time limit, application submission materials, and precautions. To travel with a service dog, a passenger must provide a quarantine certificate and an identification card to attest that the service dog has been individually trained by an organization or person to perform a task to assist the person with a disability with a need related to their disability. Service dogs may be required to wear a muzzle and be harnessed, leashed or tethered before boarding to prevent them occupying a seat or running freely on the aircraft.

If the floor space of the person travelling with a service dog does not provide sufficient space for the service dog that ensures the safety and well-being of both the dog and passenger, China Eastern will provide the passenger seat adjacent to permit adequate floor space for the service dog with no additional cost.  

China Eastern permits service dogs to accompany a passenger with a disability in the cabin unless:

1. The dog poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others;

2. The dog causes a significant disruption or misbehaves in the cabin or at an airport gate area; or

3. Carriage of the dog would violate a China or foreign law that applies to the other applicable flight segments.

China Eastern may refuse a service dog based on an individualized and objective assessment of the dog that considers the nature of any risk and the likelihood that harm will, or will continue to, occur. This assessment considers any potential mitigations available prior to denying any legitimate service dog.

(viii) Additional Seat

Upon request, China Eastern will provide any passenger seat adjacent to the passenger that is needed by that passenger due to the nature of their disability.

If a passenger requires the assistance of a support person due to the nature of their disability, China Eastern will provide a passenger seat for the support person that is adjacent to the passenger with a disability. The additional seating will be subject to applicable fares and other charges related to it.

VI. Transportation

Major airports where China Eastern offers services provide public transportation options such as taxis and airport buses.

China Eastern is committed to providing essential services for passengers requiring wheelchairs when traveling by air. At airports that meet the necessary requirements, China Eastern's ground service personnel offer wheelchair assistance to passengers during check-in, security checks, and arrival at the boarding gate.

VII. The Built Environment

China Eastern accounts for barrier-free travel in its initial planning stages. Throughout the process of building infrastructure, we provide feedback to airports on enhancing barrier-free travel with passengers with disabilities in mind.

In China Eastern's future plan for the introduction of wide-body aircraft, the inclusion of accessible washrooms for persons with disabilities is a priority.

VIII. Provisions of CTA accessibility-related regulations

China Eastern is subject to the relevant provisions of Part 2, "Service Requirements Applicable to Carriers", of the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (SOR/2019-244).

IX. Consultations

(i) Preparation

To prepare this accessibility plan, China Eastern took into consideration the travel requirements of passengers with disabilities and engaged in discussions with other airlines to collectively review suggestions and service policies. Internally, China Eastern also consulted and interviewed relevant departments, combined feedback and suggestions from employees who have extensive work experience on ground service and cabin service, and discussed this plan with employees from our passenger complaints department and service standard department. These discussions and reviews were conducted in order to allow China Eastern to fully evaluate the travel needs of accessible passengers and develop our accessibility plan with these needs in mind.

(ii) Initiatives

China Eastern maintains effective communication with relevant organizations and federations representing persons with disabilities. China Eastern will continue to collaborate with the China Disabled Persons' Federation and review feedback and complaints received from passengers who use our accessibility services to maintain an active dialogue. We are committed to continuously identifying, reducing, and removing barriers to travel and providing service of the upmost quality to each and every passenger.

Progress Report:Download as a PDF